Category Archives: Diet


Hey there, I have this amazing idea for a new diet & health regime and am sure I can stretch it out into at least 5 books. And a range of vitamin pills with added glow with my name on that you don’t need if you eat a balanced diet anyway. Oh, and a range of *healthy* food supplements that I will price just a bit too much but because they are *good for you* you will buy them anyway.

So this really brilliant diet?? Well, it’s called the Just Eat Less & Exercise Diet. The follow up book shall be called Detox: Don’t Drink or Smoke. I shall try to squeeze more money out of you by penning another book which I’ll fill up with smart looking graphs, statistics, links to amazing trials that show all my supplements amazingly work (based on the case study of my hairdresser and her cat) and you shall make me all rich beyond my wildest dreams.

Seriously though. That’s all you really do need to know to lose weight & stay healthy – eat less & exercise. Don’t smoke & drink in (small) moderation. Small regular meals. Cut down on all junk, don’t snack on rubbish, eat enough fruit & veg, home cook from scratch as much as possible. Try to stick to the food pyramid. A little sugar & what you fancy is fine as long as it stays just a little. Maybe cut down on or out completely wheat & too many carbs. EXERCISE!

And that is all there is to it really. Calories in, calories out. Don’t stuff your face with rubbish and then wonder why you have a lard arse. And please, please, please, please don’t turn your children fat. Obese children is child abuse and is as bad as starving them. I shall write more about that one on a later date.

How many damn books are devoted to diet????? Too many. There is no quick fix, there are no miracle cures, some foods are better than others but a balanced diet will give you all the vitamins & nutrients you need, oh & go outside for some vit D. EXERCISE!

Am sick of the frauds, quacks and idiots – Patrick Holford, Gillian McKieth et al – who peddle nonsense to the gullible and those stupid enough to part with hard earned cash to supplement these con artists lifestyles. More fool you.

Just eat less & exercise dammit.

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Filed under atheism, Diet, Healthy eating, rational thinking